We would like to strike time with a new and unique idea: the cultivation of a Glera grape vineyard surrounded by a 6-metre-high upright hop garden. In this way, we should achieve a balance between shade and light, bringing our prosecco to an aromatic complexity and intensity unparalleled in the DOC denomination.

Our 3 hectares of Glera grape vineyard arise inside Crak Farm: an area of 15 hectares that will host five hectares of hop garden, fourty beehives, one vegetable production garden for TapRoom and Casana, seven hectares to cultivate barley, a small malthouse and a farmhouse which will host up to ten guests that can experience waking up in the midst of nature, literally a stone’s throw from the vineyard and the hop garden.


We meticulously care for every aspect of our vineyard, we use 100% Glera grapes, and we are committed to processing the harvest of only one vintage to produce exclusively Prosecco DOC vintage.

Sustainability and Biodiversity

Sustainability and Biodiversity are the keywords to take care of our vineyard

We use minimum tillage equipment to maintain the microfauna in the soil; we fertilise the soil also with the natural agronomic practice of “green manure” which has an high ecological value; we are certified SQNPI for integrated cultivation which privileges the use of techniques that ensure a lower environmental impact and a reduction in the release of chemicals into the environment, thus ensuring greater sustainability of agriculture; in the end we have about 40 beehives that guarantee the constant presence of pollinating insects crucial for biodiversity.

Pietro Bembo

The estate owe its name to the Cardinal Pietro Bembo (1470-1547) who, right in the area surrounding our vineyard, had a countryside mansion, Villa Bozza, attended by artist, literati and intellectuals of various kinds.

Here he used to retire immersed in reading and writing, focused on the production of his literary works.

Right in this paduan mansion Pietro Bembo created one of his most famous artwork, “Prose della volgar lingua”, in which he affirmed that the italian language should base on tuscany language, i.e. the language spoken in Florence  during the 14th century, which for Bembo represented the purest and most ennobled form of the vernacular.

Bembo’s literary works, produced during his stay at Villa Bozza, had a strong impact on italian and european literature consolidating his reputation as one of the greatest exponents of the Renaissance.